
Arizona's Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer
I believe every person charged with a sex crime should be provided with high-quality legal representation. Such representation cannot be received unless you retain an experienced sex crimes litigator. This means an attorney who has attended the most advanced sex crimes trainings offered in this country, and it means an attorney who has significant experience in the courtroom defending clients facing sex crimes allegations, charges and punishments.
I have been a defense attorney my entire twenty-five-year legal career and I have concentrated my practice on representing persons charged with sex crimes for the past sixteen years. I have routinely attended the most advanced national legal trainings pertaining to sex crimes defense, like the A.T.S.A.’s Annual Conference and N.A.C.D.L.s Annual Defending Sex Crimes Conference.
Additionally, for over a decade I have taught a great number of continuing legal education courses on sex crimes defense practice and procedure to hundreds of other lawyers throughout the state of Arizona. Numerous criminal defense attorneys from Arizona and other states have sought my advice on sex crimes litigation issues concerning their clients.
I have been committed to defending people facing sex crimes prosecution for years, and I am the experienced sex crimes litigator you need if you are facing sex crimes allegations, charges and punishments in Arizona. Before you talk to any one else about sex crimes allegations, exercise your right to remain silent and contact me, Jerald J. Schreck, Arizona's Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer, at the Schreck Law Firm, so that your rights are protected. I can be reached by calling (602) 370-3262 or by emailing me at jerry@schrecklawfirm.com.